Tallywell, “The Credit Score of Health” Removes Paywall to Ensure Democratization Through Access and Equality

Tallywell Team
January 25, 2024

Tallywell™, the AI and ML-driven health tech software company renowned for its three-digit "credit score of health" app on the Apple Watch, today strengthens its commitment to health accessibility by removing its paywall. The decision further supports the democratization of access to preventative health intelligence through tallywell's sophisticated technology, which tailors unique insights to each individual's profile.

At the core of tallywell's mission is the commitment to empower individuals, families, and employers with precise, individualized recommendations that support their well-being. Tallywell's innovation lies in utilizing AI and ML combined with Apple HealthKit data analysis to calculate a user's unique tallywell ‘score’. Over time, tallywell learns user habits, predicts health scores, and provides actionable tips to promote healthier lifestyles.

Candice Paik, CEO and Co-Founder of tallywell, emphasized the significance of offering the app to users at no cost.

"In providing tallywell as a free app, our company mission is three-fold: to drive up health and wellness democratization, boost overall health literacy for all Americans, and more closely align with the financial credit score model," said Paik. "Tallywell is a powerful daily tool that conveniently customizes recommendations to each user's unique profile, providing them with the information they need for a proactive and informed approach to their well-being. As a company, we seek to expand the use of this technology as widely as possible," Paik said.

The "Know Your Numbers Report": Personalized Health Insights and Actionable Tips

The tallywell app harnesses health data already tracked by the Apple Watch, assigning individualized health scores to each user. Tallywell learns user habits, predicts health scores, and provides actionable tips through the weekly “Know Your Numbers Report.” In addition to individual data assessments, the report draws insights from CDC and Census data to predict users' tallywell scores™ and sub-scores over time.

These weekly personalized suggestions support the development of good habits for sleep, stress levels, blood pressure control, mental health, healthy eating, and weight management. “Know Your Numbers” can also be customized to include specific resources that address specific health concerns, such as diabetes, cancer, and hypertension, serving as a dynamic, interactive support guide for users.

"Much like the insights offered by credit reports for financial planning, tallywell's "Know Your Numbers Report" is an essential tool for health and wellness planning," said Aaron Holloway, Founder and Chief Product Officer at tallywell. "We also understand the sensitivity of health data, and our commitment to privacy ensures that users can confidently engage with their personalized health information."

From MIT to Wall Street to tallywellDr. Luigi Vacca, MIT scholar, is Co-Founder and Head of AI and ML, at tallywell. A former Wall Street credit report technology modeler, Dr. Vacca developed tallywell's technology through a unique journey after years of working in the financial world. Dr. Vacca's fusion of expertise in AI, physics, and financial technology has now culminated to help shape the future of personalized health management.

"When I set out to create tallywell's technology, my main objective was to empower individuals to take control of their well-being through a more specific and personalized experience," said Dr. Vacca. "Tallywell's fusion of emerging technology, predictive insights, data analysis, and a commitment to user-centric health management reflects our dedication to reshaping the future of preventative healthcare. Health truly is wealth, and tallywell provides actionable means to achieve a solution," he said.

About tallywell

In the dynamic landscape of predictive health intelligence technology, tallywell™, powered by AI and ML, is a groundbreaking Apple Watch app offering a simple and convenient three-digit, credit-like health score. Developed by Dr. Luigi Vacca, tallywell is a beacon in healthcare information access. Tallywell's 'Know Your Numbers™' weekly digital report provides actionable insights tailored to support individual, family, and employee well-being while providing information to address specific health concerns. The path to improved health begins with tallywell – a commitment to lifelong well-being.

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